
I guess Lys was inspired by Sam and Jack's cuteness...
Baby U got his hair chopped today! First we went to cost cutters and paid someone to trim it and add some texture to try to make him look like a surfer boy. It ended up looking more like a surfer GIRL, so Lys took the clippers to it as soon as we got home. Good thing we didn't pay too much for the original.
I only cried a little bit watching his long baby hair fall to the floor in piles. ;) Now he looks like a 3 year old. (according to Cali.)

Stumphouse tunnel

Here We are in SC! Thanks for a great visit...


Happy 17 month old b-day Ulysses!

Dont panic! That is NOT a current picture of me. :)
Today the little man is 17 months old.
Look at him then...and look at him now. Personally, I like him alot better OUTSIDE my belly. (Man, that tummy was HUGE!)

Trick or Treat!!!

Here are some pics from trick or treat night! We were so happy to have Loni and Pop along with us for all the fun and chaos! Cali had a blast running from house to house in her blinking high heals with all of her friends. Loni got a workout running Ulysses around in his stroller, and pop by carrying the little guy on his shoulders.
Eventually, U-e got the hang of things though, and went for the "yummy-yummy" candy!


Here is a little collage of our Weidner halloween party.
Love, Holly Golightly and Fred !
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Halloween picture shoot

On October 24th, my friend Jenny and I took the kids to the picture people for a little fall photo shoot. Both of us were beat and sweating by the end of the session, because it took alot of energy to chase those kids around. (Jenny has two little girls.)
I think this story illustrates the "energetic" personality that little U-e has right now...
Jenny and I were both in the small front room fixing the girls' hair, and I had only looked away for about 6 seconds. Jenny was commenting on how Ulysses never sits still and saying that it must be exhausting to keep up with him. At that point, I looked up and said, "speaking of Ulysses..." Both of us jumped up from the girls...Jenny ran back to the back of the store yelling for him and I ran out into the mall. There, almost two stores away was a little 3 foot tall penguin booking down the middle of the mall as fast as he could run. That definitely got some stares and laughs.
After about 3 more escapes and LOTS of effort, we did get some cute pics. Click on the link below to look at them!


1st day of School

Cali was so excited about starting school. Rachel was planning on driving her everyday but she loves to take the bus! She looks so tiny getting on the big yellow limousine!

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Cali started gymnastics. She has been going once a week for about 2 months... They told her she is too big and too old to go to the Olympics....

Play Offs!!!

Baby U is ready for October!
Go Red Sox!

First Post

Wow, our first official blogspot post. This is big. We would both like to make the disclaimer now that while we are going to TRY to update this thing on a fairly regular basis, we cannot guarantee that this will actually happen. We miss you all. We love you.